Friday, December 27, 2019

5 Ways to Maintain Your Sanity When Youre Out of Work

5 Ways to Maintain Your Sanity When Youre Out of Work5 Ways to Maintain Your Sanity When Youre Out of Work Whether you quit your job without another one lined up or got laid off unexpectedly, being out of work is a tough pill to swallow. Not only can it constitute a major financial strain, but it can also wreck your self-esteem and send your stress levels skyrocketing. If youre without a job, here are a few things you can do to make the situation more manageable while you look for work.Not having a job to report to gives you a prime opportunity to invest some time into boosting your skills, so if theres a course youve always wanted to take or a certification youve been meaning to pursue, nows your chance to get it done. Taking steps to further your career will help you make good use of your time while youre unemployed, and itll also make for a more appealing resume to aid in your job search.Being cooped up at home looking for work can get depressing when youve been at it for a while. So rather than hibernate inside with your laptop, get mobile. Set up shop at a local coffeehouse, or plant yourself on a park bench for several hours while you work on cover letters . Being out and about will make for a less isolating experience, and thatll help keep you motivated when your search is getting you down.Sometimes, getting a job isnt about what you know, but who you know. Even if youre not in a great place mentally as a result of being out of work, you should still make an effort to meet your old associates for lunch and pick up the phone to call those business contacts you havent spoken to in quite some time. You never know when someone in your network might have an opening thats perfect for you, so even if your self-esteem has been taking a beating, it pays to push yourself to be as social and communicative as possible.When youre stuck in a jobless situation, and your search is going nowhere, its easy enough to hit a low. So, why not spend some of you r newfound time helping others? Volunteering is a great way to occupy your days in a meaningful fashion and feel good about yourself in the process. And as an added bonus, the volunteer work you do might make a great addition to your resume , thereby increasing your chances of getting hired.Maybe youd rather not take a part-time job because you want the flexibility to go on interviews and focus on landing a permanent role. But that doesnt mean you cant be your own boss while you look for work. If theres a hobby you enjoy with money-making potential , you might as well take the opportunity to earn a little side cash. Having that extra money will relieve some of the anxiety you might be experiencing as a result of missing your steady paycheck, which will help make your jobless period less painful on a whole.Being out of work isnt easy, so be kind to yourself when you land in that situation. Remember, youre going to find a job eventually, and until you do, you might as well make the mo st of the free time you have on your hands, even though youd rather not have it in the first place.This article was originally published on The Motley Fool . It is reprinted with permission.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Should you accept a promotion without a raise

Should you accept a promotion without a raiseShould you accept a promotion without a raiseIf youve ever found yourself in this situation, you know theres no quick answer - because sometimes, biting the bullet in the short-term can create big wins in the long-term.And other times, biting the bullet could mean your company is taking advantage of you - which will ultimately lead to resentment and distrust in your team. Only you can truly understand all the factors playing a role in your decision.So, Im going to give you my best advice based on this fact Without doubt, youve worked hard, gotten results for your company, and received the well-earned promotion that youre excited to take on.This does not include the notion that your company is taking a chance and letting you transition to a new department, join a one-time project, or any other situation where there is a change to your role but its more to your benefit than the company. An example of this is if youre eager to move from HR to marketing and the company offers you a new role/job title but no increase in pay. Or, the company allows you to job share and offers you a new job title, but not a new salary.Okay, I think were on the same page. Heres what you can do if you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of earning a promotion you want to accept - without a bump in compensation.1. Have a direct conversation with your manager and HRLets abflug by giving them the benefit of the doubt and having a direct conversation about why there isnt a raise included with the promotion. There might be a very good reason, like salary increases are only given out at a specific time of year, and thats when your salary will change. Make sure your salary is changing to an amount that truly reflects the new job duties. It can be especially helpful if the promotion you got was to fill an open role the company was recruiting and interviewing for.In a respectful way, ask the questions you need to make sure a compensation wil l be included and for how much before you accept anything. Lastly, if the compensation increase wont happen until bonus/raise time in January, and thats six months away, see if you can negotiate the salary change taking place closer to three months.2. Think about other forms of compensationI recently heard Patty McCord, former Netflix chief talent officer, say that there are three types of compensation salary, job title, and equity. Keeping that in mind, is there a better job title you could ask for that could be leveraged into a bigger job next time? Maybe you work at a company where cash is limited, but you can negotiate equity in the company. Consider whats happening at the company and which vorkaufsrecht offers you the most benefits.3. Consider the resources around youIf youve gotten a promotion but all that really means is that youre doing your old job and your new job without any additional support or compensation, youre setting yourself up to be one very burnt out worker bee. Before you accept, negotiate for the company to give you some support in terms of an assistant or online resources like software programs that could save you a ton of time.4. Negotiate other benefitsMoney isnt everything, and I know I personally would forgo a raise for other benefits that I value even more - like ownership over my own schedule. If youre being offered a promotion without a bump in compensation, its a great time to ask for other benefits. Some ideas include work-from-home one day a week, 100% flexible schedule, moving your workload from 100% to 70 or 80%, more PTO days, a sabbatical, or opportunities to enroll in skills-based learning classes either in-person or online.If all of this fails, I would mucksmuschenstill encourage you to take the promotion. Why? Because now, the writings on the wall - very clearly - that this company does not deserve you in the long-run. And, a pass on the promotion could jeopardize your job security and impact your relationships at th e company.Take the promotion, learn some new skills, take on responsibilities that you can talk about in your future interviews, and start preparing for a job search. If your company is unwilling to negotiate on this, theyll be unwilling to negotiate with you when you want more time off, a higher salary, another promotion, etc. Go find a company that does respect and value your contributions.This article first appeared on Career Contessa.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Making the Cut

Making the Cut Making the Cut Making the CutCell research is a key driver of medical breakthroughs but one ever-present challenge has been finding a way into the cell and transporting it. One group at UCLA has been out to solve this problem by thinking smallnanoblade small. By literally cutting and slicing the cell, their work has taken precision to a level few considered possible.When we started talking about this 10 years ago, some people just werent positive about its chance of success, says Eric Chiou, professor of mechanical engineering and aerospace at UCLA. The idea of getting inside a cell and getting it out of there? How do you do that without destroying the cell? If you open it, then it can reheal. But if you open the hole too big then that can kill the cell. But we stuck to it and believed in the work.Their strategy welches to have a nanoblade actually open up the cell through the outer membrane by using a laser. Fundamentally, you have a light to trigger a high-temperatur e piece near the cell membrane, says Chiou, who has a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from UCLA and in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley. And heat being there for a short time is how we started. The thought was to use some kind of metal to harvest laser pores to trigger a heating event. It involved opening up the cell but not going inside it where it could possibly do damage.Scientists have developed a laser-powered nanoblade that makes small slits on the surface of cells. Image UCLAThe first version of the nanoblade was constructed out of a glass pipette and the surface was a very thin layer of titanium, he says. The nanoblade cut and then there was the creation of an instant local explosion which sliced open a cell membrane. I think you could say thats just a little different from conventional cutting with a knife, he laughs.Once the cell was cut open, pressure was applied to the glass pipette and the liquid was then squeezed out of the cell. With the me mbrane open, the material will then flow into the cell. And thats when youre talking about the membrane actually coming back and rehealing itself, he adds.The second version worked with 200 cells over an hour, he estimates.As for applications, the nanoblade has been utilized in work on mitochondria, a vital organelle in the body. Mitochondria delivery can lead to potentially understanding diseases but I believe there can be many helpful medical possibilities because of this tool, he says, adding that the team is presently working on a mora complicated system that may be able to work on 100,000 cells per minute.He relishes the fact that theyve been able to prove themselves to doubters and looks forward to improvements. Its exciting to think about, considering how many difficulties are involved in medical research to begin with, he says. If this can play any role in research that can save lives then that would be an incredible feeling.Eric Butterman is an independent writer. For Furth er Discussion If this can play any role in research that can save lives then that would be an incredible feeling.Prof. Eric Chiou, UCLA

Friday, December 13, 2019

What to Do When a Recruiter Reaches Out to You

What to Do When a Recruiter Reaches Out to YouWhat to Do When a Recruiter Reaches Out to You Most of the time in the job search, youre the one in the drivers seat. Its up to you to write an amazing resume , find an opportunity thats right for you, apply to the stelle and really market yourself to the company. But if youve got an impressive enough background or a mastery of hard-to-find skills, recruiters might be the ones reaching out to you .So what should you do when the tables are turned? Are the rules the same, or do things need to be handled differently?To find out, we turned to Erin Zaller, Senior Director of Delivery at Kforce .First off, if a recruiter reaches out to you, relax and congratulate yourself. Its a good thingIf a recruiter does reach out to you, its because you have a specific skill set or project experience so theres already interest on our side, Zaller says.But just because theyre interested doesnt mean you dont have to impress them - recru iters will lose interest if you cant maintain professionalism or sell them on why youre a good fit.When drafting your first response to a recruiters message, make sure to thank them for thinking of you and taking the time to reach out to you. From there, you can share a little bit more about what youre looking for.Its important to remember that you control how the relationship is going to be from that first interaction. Based on candidate feedback, Im going to learn if they want more details or less, if theyre looking for market intelligence, if they need a higher pay rate or any number of things. Its when candidates dont approach the conversation with that open feedback that they end up with a not-so-great experience, Zaller says.If you think you might want to learn more about the position, dont play coy.If you are interested in the opportunity, its best practice to reply with some availability for a deeper conversation and the best method to contact you - preferably on the ph one. Be careful about judging a position through too many back and forth messages. Its always best to have a conversation to dig deeper and decide whether the position is a fit for you, Zaller adds.In addition to doing research on Glassdoor , there are a number of steps you can take to determine whether or not the job at hand is the right one for you.To gauge an opportunity, I recommend setting up a phone conversation to test the recruiters knowledge on the role by asking questions such as What are the day-to-day responsibilities? What business problems is this position trying to solve? Who will this person interact with? Then ask questions from a company standpoint, such as whats driving the need for this role? Zaller suggests. If the recruiter cant answer these questions, its a red flag that they cant articulate the opportunity well enough. If they struggle to answer, it might even be that theyre attempting to hide some negative aspects of the position.Another red flag? If the recruiter asks for too much information too soon.Theres certain information employers may need throughout the recruitment process, such as your full name, contact information or last 4 digits of your social security number, Zaller shares. But you should only give truly personal information when you know the opportunity is legitimate , youve spoken to the recruiter over the phone and you know youre moving forward in the interview. Think of providing that information as a down payment to hold your spot for the position once theres interest on both sides.When a recruiter reaches out to potential candidates for a position theres a baseline that qualifies each person for the opportunity in some way. Know that if youre contacted theres already interest on the recruiters end, Zaller says.Still, that doesnt mean your getting a job is a sure thing. Theres a good chance that the same recruiter has reached out to multiple candidates, and you want to make sure to prove that of everyone the rec ruiter has chatted with, youre the best.Those who end up being stand-out candidates are the ones who show passion for what they do and have pride in their voice when they talk about their experience. Its like a lightbulb goes off when you have someone who talks through the exact challenge the company is having and presents measurable ways theyve solved it before. As Im talking to a candidate like this, I can envision them in an interview with the hiring manager and completely nailing it, Zaller says. This also shows a level of eagerness to move forward in the process that lets me know you take it seriously.Recruiters reaching out to you is undoubtedly a good sign, but you shouldnt assume that youre a shoe-in. If you can respond to a recruiters message with tact, confirm with them that the opportunity is a good fit for you and describe why youre the right person for the job, though, theres a good chance that youll continue to move forward in the interview process. Just remember to act confident (not cocky), ask the right questions and highlight your passion.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Life, Death, and Social Work Resume Samples

Life, Death, and Social Work Resume Samples What You Should Do About Social Work Resume Samples Beginning in the Next 6 Minutes Reading through resumes might be tedious and repetitive procedure. Resume is a kind of document utilized by individuals that are seeking for employment. The resume summary will act as their sales pitch. For instance, an employer may request a duplicate of your degree. When you get to the expert experience section, make sure that you think about the particular job description of the position youre applying for. A bewertung of work is an official document that states the full reach of work in a particular project. A project statement of work is quite crucial in the business of business statement projects particularly when it involves a vendor. With the above mentioned samples of objectives for the social worker position readily available to utilize in crafting yours, you will certainly have the ability to produce an extremely effective one for your res ume. Macro-work cv objectives are to clearly show your experience and change on a sizable scale. Below youll find a thorough collection of credentials available based on the field of your practice. You could also have specific social work methods or practices which you were not able to mention in different sections of your resume. Hiring managers dont devote plenty of time reviewing resumes. Just be certain that its impressive, and related to the job youre applying to. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. The perfect format for your resume is shown in the example that you will just need to adjust for your own personal circumstance. A proficiency in another language could also be viewed as a benefit, too. Language skills are highly desired in social work, because sometimes youll have clients whose first language isnt English. Perhaps its your networking abilities. Skills unrelated to social work also needs to be included. Employers will alwa ys consider you for the work so long as youre able to prove youve got the crucial trainings and certifications. Job seekers deserve to discover decent content quickly. Resume objectives are from time to time regarded as the old schooltype of resume. Transportation jobs involve a great deal of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can manage that. It is far easier for a hiring manager to discover that value in a brief paragraph than attempting to piece it together from a lengthy history of qualified experience and education. If at all possible, you can even include skills specifically mentioned in the work description, so the hiring manager immediately knows you have them. Moreover, tailoring your resume will allow you to list job-specific essential words and techniques, further adding to your appeal for a candidate. Successfully managing and prioritizing the logistical facets of the job will be able to help you maximize the quantity of time youll have on you r schedule to supply meaningful services to your clientele. Social worker resume objectives can tell an employer a good deal about the individual applying for employment. You have to provide your prospective employer a very clear and direct job objective, that youre able to join the provider. Micro-work cv objectives are going to be to demonstrate your experience and capacity to generate change in individuals. Becoming in a position to negotiate, compromise and work nicely with others is crucial to the coordination of efforts required in social work. Moreover, the candidate was able to negotiate several contracts with important customers. Well-crafted resume objectives have the capacity to convince an employer a candidate is familiarized with a position, the business and the requirement for success in that area. Thoughts revolving around what you would like to achieve in your career will lead to the response to the most significant question. If youre attempting to acquire work i n accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Taking the opportunity to tailor your resume to coincide with the particular demands of a job is extremely wise. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Rudd supports new employment initiative for Indigenous Australians

Rudd supports new employment initiative for Indigenous Australians Rudd supports new employment initiative for Indigenous AustraliansPosted October 13, 2011, by Sophie Brown The federal government released information yesterday announcing its support for a new project to provide full-time employment for Indigenous Australians. The Australian Government today announced its support for a ground breaking new initiative, the Australian Employment Covenant. The Australian Employment Covenant is a private sector initiative led by Mr Andrew Forrest, the CEO of Fortescue Metals Group. The Australian Employment Covenant will rally employers to commit to providing opportunities for 50 000 Indigenous Australians to step out of welfare and step up to permanent full time paying jobs. Just as the Government has set targets to close the gap between Indigenous and non indigenous Australians, Andrew Forrest is going to ask Australian businesses to be similarly bold. Under the Australian Employment Covenant, Indigenous Australians who want to work will be encouraged to opt out of the welfare system. Indigenous Australians who decide to take this first step can then enrol in a short intensive training course that will get them ready for on-the-job mentoring with a parteicipating employer. Participating employers agree through the Australian Employment Covenant to employ Indigenous people qualified to the training-ready level. The Governments part of the bargain is to help bridge the training-ready gap. The Government will match this commitment with appropriate pre employment training. Andrew Forrest and his steering committee including Noel Pearson, Warren Mundine and Rod Eddington will be encouraging every Australian employer to join them in tackling Indigenous unemployment in a way that only the private sector can with real jobs. The Government welcomes this imaginative and ambitious plan which will build on existing initiatives on the part of individual companies.Governm ent ResourcesGovernment communications officer sample resumeGovernment communications officer sample cover letterCareer Insider StoriesNatasha Stott Despoja - Senator, South AustraliaInterested in becoming a?Management ConsultantHealth Information ManagerEnvironmental Health OfficerUrban PlannerRegional PlannerPopular Career Searchessample application letter for government positiongovernment jobs interview questions and answersgovernment careerauditor jobs in governmentcourses to get government jobGovernment CoursesBachelor of Cyber SecurityEnquire Online Enquire OnlineMaster of Cyber SecurityEnquire Online Enquire OnlineGraduate Certificate of Development and Humanitarian ActionEnquire Online Enquire OnlineDiploma of GovernmentEnquire Online Enquire OnlineSophie BrownRelated ArticlesBrowse moreCAREER ADVICEGovernment jobsNavy leadership program for womenIn an effort to improve opportunities for women in leadership roles in the Royal Australian Navy, the Australian Government is exp anding its Navy Womens Leadership Program in 2010.Government jobsThe public sector a world of opportunityPeople have this idea that working in the public sector is all about boring jobs but it isnt. Ive had an extraordinary career doing terrific things that I believe in.CAREER ADVICEWhat to do when you get fired lessons from our political leadersPoliticians have notoriously low job security, so if anyone knows how to get fired and move on, it should be them, right? For better or worse, Marni takes a look at what we can learn from our esteemed leaders of the past.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

6 Small Résumé Changes That Have a Big Impact

6 Small Rsum Changes That Have a Big Impact6 Small Rsum Changes That Have a Big ImpactIfyoure sending out rsums and bedrngnis getting many calls to interview, theres agood chance that your rsum is the problem. If youre like most people, yourrsum could use some work and like most people, youre probably not surewhere to start.But youprobably dont need to start from scratch. You can often significantly improveyourrsumby just making ahandful of changes. Here are six small changes youcan make that will have a big impact.1. Get rid of the objective.Rsum objectives never helpand often hurt. Not only do they feel outdated at this point, but theyre allabout what you want, rather than what the employer wants, which is what thisstage of the hiring process is all about. Your rsum should be focused on yourshowing your experience, skills and accomplishments. Its not the place totalk about what youre seeking in your next job.2. Add a profile section to the top of yourrsum.Profile sections or summa ries havereplaced objectives at the top of current-day rsums. A profile is just aquick list of the highlights of your strengths and experience, summing up injust a few sentences or bullet points who you are as a candidate and what youhave to offer. A well-written profile or summary can provide an overall framingof your candidacy, preparing the hiring manager for the rest of yourrsumthrough that lens.3. Focus on workaccomplishments, not job duties. If youre like most job seekers, your rsum lists what youwere responsible for at each job you held, but doesnt explain what youactually achieved there. Rewriting to focus on accomplishments willmake it far more effective and more likely to catch a hiring managers eye.For instance, get rid of lines like managed schmelzglas list and replace them withlines like increased email subscribers by 20 percent in six months in otherwords, something that explains how youperformed, not just what your job was.4. Get rid of big blocks oftext. If yourrsum is filled with large blocks of text as opposed to bullet points theres a good chance that youre putting hiring managers to sleep. They wantto quickly skim the first time they look at your rsum, and big blocks of text makethat difficult and make most hiring managers eyes glaze over. Theyll paymore attention and absorb more information about you if your rsum is arrangedin bullet points rather than paragraphs. 5. Shorten it. If your rsum is multiplepages, you might be diluting the impact of its contents. With a shorter rsum,youll ensure that in an initial quick scan, the hiring managers eyes aufgabe onthe most important things. Plus, long rsums can make you come across assomeone who cant edit and doesnt know what information is essential andwhats less important. As a general rule, your rsum shouldnt be longer than twopages, maximum. (And if youre a recent grad, it should only be one page,because you havent yet had enough work experience to justify a second one.) 6. Give yourself perm ission toremove things that dont strengthen your candidacy. You dont need three linesexplaining boring, basic job duties especially if these responsibilities aregoing to be implied by your title. Similarly, you dont need to include thatsummer job from eight years ago, that job you did for three weeks that didntwork out or every skill you can think of. Your rsum is a marketing document,not a comprehensive listing of everything about you include the things thatstrengthen your candidacy and pare down the rest.Alison Green writes the popular Ask a Manager blog, where she dispenses advice on career, job search, and management issues. Shes also the co-author of Managing to Change the World The Nonprofit Managers Guide to Getting Results, and former chief of staff o f a successful nonprofit organization, where she oversaw day-to-day staff management, hiring, firing, and employee development.

Saturday, November 23, 2019


29Glassdoor Helps Kick Off Fundraising Campaign for zum meer gehrend City Kids Benefit Concert On 8/29 Music is a powerful tool many use to express themselves, but for students at Bayside MLK Jr. Academy in Marin City its been a largely unavailable art form, with a small arts program that is hindered by lack of funds. Marin City is an unincorporated part of Marin County, where 95% of students qualify for lunch assistance due to income levels.Mill Valley-based Glassdoor, one of the largest tech companies in Marin County, is helping to kick off a 60-day fundraising campaign to help the newly created nonprofit for Bayside MLK, The Center for Excellence , achieve their goal of placing an instrument in every students hand (third grade and above) by 2018. Its an ambitious, but not impossible, goal. Organizers estimate theyll need to raise roughly $70,000 in donations and instruments in order to give as many children as possible a gunst der stunde to play an instrument.As part of the campaign, there will be a one-night-only benefit concert at the famous Sweetwater Music nachhall on Tuesday, August 29, 2017. Transparency, Glassdoor s house band of talented employees and volunteers, will perform to help drum up monetary and instrument donations for Bayside MLK students. Doors open at 530 pm, with the band taking the stage at 600 pm. The family-friendly concert is open to the public, with a $20 suggested donation at the door or an instrument donation, all tax deductable.Monetary and instrument donations can be made throughout the campaign. Collection bins are located at Glassdoor (100 Shoreline Hwy) in Mill Valley and Bayside MLK Jr. Academy (200 Phillips Dr) in Sausalito. Donations will also be collected at Sweetwater Music Hall on the night of the concert, and online donations can be made through the campaigns GoFundMe page Help Bring Music to Marin City . Jonnette Newton, retired principal and now a music teacher at Bayside MLK, knows first-hand how music can alter your life, and wants to make sure her students have the same opportunity.Music kept me in school. When I found the music room and fell in love with the instruments, it was a pivotal moment that put me on a track to graduate, one I would not have been on otherwise without musics influence, Jonnette said. This early exposure to music not only inspires students own creativity and expression, but enables them to participate in band and orchestra ensembles once they reach high school.Glassdoor employees are teaming up together internally to drive funds and collect instruments too, and Glassdoors Community Door program will match employee donations. Being a good neighbor is an important part of our DNA at Glassdoor and our employees are committed to helping the kids in Marin City, said Dawn Lyon, Glassdoor SVP & Chief Reputation Officer. Our hope is through fundraising and volunteering, we can provide access to important programs, like coding, arts and music, that can have lasting benefits for these students. The collaboration between the schools staff and Glassdoor, a partnership that began last year, has already made an impact on students said Barb Killey, a Center for Excellence board member. Glassdoors support has changed our goal from overwhelming to completely doable Barb said. Their passion for helping BMLK children receive the benefits of arts education that are available to other Marin County school children is genuine, and their enthusiasm is contagious.For more information about the benefit concert at Sweetwater Music Hall on Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 6 pm, or for questions on how to donate, email pr or call 415-339-9105

Thursday, November 21, 2019

More companies are giving employees time off to vote

More companies are giving employees time off to voteMore companies are giving employees time off to voteOn November 6, Americans head to the polls to vote for midterm elections, but for too many of us, the process of taking time off from work to go vote can be cumbersome. When the Pew Research Center asked Americans this past September and October why voting would be difficult, more than a fifth of respondents listed long wait times and large crowds and scheduling conflicts. In the 2014 midterms, Americans who did not vote said a conflicting work or school schedule was among the top reasons why they did not vote.How many more Americans would vote if they had the whole day to do so? More companies are making policies to find out.Time off to vote movement spreadsTuesdays election day is not a federal holiday. Currently, there is no federal law mandating time off for employees to go vote, but in the absence of federal law, more companies are stepping in to make voting a workplace priori ty. Spotify, SurveyMonkey, and TaskRabbit are among 348 companies participating in a Take Off Election Day campaign to give employees time off to vote.Outdoor apparel company Patagonia said it is going one step beyond a few paid hours and is giving a full day of paid leave to employees. Patagonia closed its business on Nov. 6 and is giving its employee the day off as part of a Time to Vote company commitment.I believe this movement is crucial to the future of our democracy. Midterm elections suffer immensely from low voter turnout, Rose Marcario, CEO of Patagonia said in a blog post. Together, we can remove barriers to civic participation and encourage all American workers to be citizens and voters first.This movement has grown since the last election cycle. Forty-four percent of American firms will give workers paid time off to vote, up from 37% in 2016, according to a survey from the Society for Human Resource Management. When employees have the freedom to vote at their personal c onvenience, voting becomes easier for all to do.Maybe your company will be next?