Monday, April 27, 2020

Whats age got to do with your career -

Whats age got to do with your career - Theres no question that generational issues play into job search. I wanted to share a few key details I learned in the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Atlantas conference this week, Whats Age Got to Do with It? Presented by Maureen Kelly, Atlanta Regional Convention, Heyward Williams, Georgia Power and Rosalia Thomas, IBM, the talk focused on how companies can help retain workers who may be retirement age and touched on generational issues in the workplace. Boomers The session addressed the issue of how companies can plan for and harness the power of their more experienced workers who may plan to retire in search of flexibility, but may still be willing to and interested in contributing to the organizations brain trust. Job seekers may not realize that some companies are actually concerned about the fact that their more seasoned, knowledgeable workers may leave the organization high and dry when it is time to leave. With the projected number of people aged 65+ expected to grow exponentially, its an important topic to consider. The presentation shared the following statistics: By 2010, 40% of the U.S. workforce will be over 40. Regarding the federal workforce (1.6 million civilians): 50% can retire in the next 5 years 70% are supervisors NASA: scientists and engineers over 60 outnumber those under 30, 3 to 1. In 1991, 11% planned to continue working past age 65. In 2010, 33% expect to continue working past 65. When I was tweeting this session, I heard from several Twitter friends questioning if people really wanted to stay in the workforce, or if financial considerations were primary decision factors. In fact, the presentation suggested that 71% of these workers are happy with their job and do not want to leave. (Per (Of course, this is just a statistic, and will vary from person to person, but there was a strong feeling in the room that people WANT to work because they enjoy it and want to continue to contribute.) The presentation noted these companies as having best practices regarding keeping their experienced professionals engaged in programs such as mentoring, consulting, advising, etc: Pfizer, Georgia Power, IBM, WellStar. These are companies that value age and experience. This is important to note. (An aside: for those interested in exploring encore careers work that combines passion, purpose and income, check out Gen Y At the end of the talk, Rosalia Thomas from IBM shared some interested points regarding her impressions of Gen Y employees. In her view, Ys want everything quickly, want to move up and quickly take on leadership roles. They dont offer any loyalty. She believes they focus mainly on how they will benefit from the job and how they can move to the next job. In fact, she related a story of a young hire who explained that she was only in the job for as long as she was benefiting, and planned to move on as soon as it was feasible. While Ms. Thomas explained that Gen Y job seekers have seen their parents burned by loyalty, the explanation didnt seem to temper her opinion of employees so blunt about their goals and plans. Ms. Thomas seemed very concerned with the trends she is seeing with Gen Y employees. It is important to point out that, while being loyal to a company may not be realistic or even expected, it may not behoove entry-level workers to be quite so direct about their plans. There is a lot of focus on authenticity in the blogosphere, but, for Gen Yers who wish to gain traction in certain companies, this talk was a reminder that those sentiments may not be received well. All of this advice is fine, but you need help actually find a job? Check out THE CAREER SUMMIT for lots of great career advice. The topics include everything from how to think about finding a job you love, to what has changed in search, demystifying the recruiting process, online career management, interviewing and (last but not least) strategies and tips for your resume, social media profile and job search. Read more HERE or visit the site HERE to learn more.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

How Long Should You Wait Before Following Up? Tips For Successful Business and Social Media Marketing

How Long Should You Wait Before Following Up? Tips For Successful Business and Social Media MarketingSo you want to know how long should you wait before following up your submission by mail with a follow up. If you are like most businesses and individuals, you will have several leads that have already been contacted.When you are ready to follow up, you should be in a place where you have the right time to contact those leads. There are many things to consider when you are ready to follow up. What should you talk about? What should be the subject line of the email?When you are ready to follow up, there are some important things to remember. These are pointers that can help you be successful when following up.Always follow up with a lead that is not an immediate follow up. Never follow up a call back after you have already contacted that lead. You can get yourself and your business into trouble. Followup and follow-up immediately. There are two reasons for that.The first reason is that you may not get the call back if you follow up right away. You may send the email and do not get a response. The second reason is that you have wasted the time of another lead and this could be a profitable lead if you get the follow up that you were waiting for.When you are ready to follow up after you have already reached out to a lead, always remember to send the follow up email within one business day. There are a lot of people who do not send follow up emails and this could be a very expensive mistake. It is never too late to follow up after you have already reached out to a lead. In order to avoid problems, follow up as soon as possible. You should be ready to follow up to the point where you have reached out to that lead. Follow up immediately.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Top Keys to Writing a Good Resume Secrets

Top Keys to Writing a Good Resume Secrets The truth is it might even hurt your odds of landing an interview. Doing this will make certain that your resume is the one which gets considered for a follow up interview. The Purpose of Your Resume It is extremely critical that you realize the reason that you are making a resume in the very first place. Your resume is only going to matter after you buy a referral and have to deliver your resume, or at an interview once the individual who's interviewing you'll ask questions off your resume. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Keys to Writing a Good Resume Member area The excellent resume builders online gives you a member's area which you can join. Tools to compose a resume and to assist you receive a job Writing a good resume isn't easy if you don't have the proper instruments to achieve it. There's no correct or wrong approach to compose a CV but there are a number of common sections you should cover. Utilizing the right re sume style is very beneficial. Including professional goals can assist you by giving employers a notion of where you're going, and the way you need to arrive there. In reality, there are tons of approaches to spice this up! Attempt to comprehend the market of the organization you're asking for work, and identify what type of difficulties they may be going through. The ideal place to start is by analyzing the work description. The War Against Keys to Writing a Good Resume To join the website, you will want to have at the very least a Bachelor's degree, which can be in any subject, and superior writing abilities and understanding of the English language. Resume writing tips enable you to understand the perfect techniques of resume writing. The selection of internship isn't just focusing on the particular profession or industry. When there are several proofreading programs and tools you are able to use, additionally it is useful to ask trusted friends or colleagues to examine your resume.