Sunday, July 26, 2020

Still waiting for that promotion Heres your action plan - Viewpoint - careers advice blog Viewpoint careers advice blog

Still waiting for that promotion Here’s your action plan - Viewpoint - careers advice blog You are a career driven individual, and for quite some time now you have felt more than ready to move up in your company.  What started off as motivation and excitement to work towards achieving that next step has, over time, turned into a feeling of being frustrated and stagnant in your job. You are well aware of the fact that promotional opportunities are available in your organisation, you have even voiced your career goals with your manager, yet nothing has come to fruition and you just do not want to have to wait until your next appraisal to have another discussion. There’s only so long you can carry on within a job that isn’t providing you with the recognition and development you deserve â€" so what should you do if you are still waiting for that promotion? Firstly ask yourself, are you really ready? To a certain extent, whether or not you get that promotion is down to you. Before you approach your manager to discuss a possible promotion, make sure you have done all you can to develop yourself and take advantage of the learning opportunities available at your organisation. In other words, be sure that you are as ready as you can be for this opportunity. If possible, look at the job specification of your desired role. If this isnt available, look to somebody within your organisation who already has this job. Where are your skills gaps, and what could you do to bridge them yourself?   For example, you may be a marketing executive wanting to progress into a more senior marketing role, but are lacking people management skills.   Therefore you would look for chances to  upskill yourself before approaching your manager; be it through finding a mentor, going to industry events or through webinars and online tutorials. By doing all you can to develop yourself, you save your boss some of the work and put yourself in a better standing when you ask for their support. Preparing for your meeting Now that you are starting to prove yourself by going above and beyond to excel in your current role, book a private meeting with your manager. Let them know what exactly you would like to discuss i.e. your promotional plan. Once the meeting is in the diary, it is important that you thoroughly prepare. By being as organised as possible you will demonstrate to your boss that attaining this promotion is something you are very serious about. Remember to ask yourself the below when preparing: What do you want? Start by solidifying in your own mind exactly what you want in terms of a promotion, plus what kind of support you may need from your manager to help you get there. For example, you may be a senior marketing executive wanting to progress into a marketing manager role. Whilst you are keen and willing to develop your people management skills independently, you also think a training course or mentor scheme could be of benefit. You need to have what you want crystal clear in your mind before your meeting, as well as what kind of support you will need to help you get there. The below steps will help you present yourself in the best possible light and help you get the result youre looking for. Which opportunities are available? So you know what role you want, and what kind of support it would take for you to adapt to this role, but do you know what existing opportunities you could take advantage of?   Which programmes do your company offer internally which could help you meet your goals if you were given sign off? What about external training programmes? If you arent 100 percent sure of what exactly you need to do to get to where you want in terms of progression, then prepare some questions to ask your boss surrounding this. Being in a senior position themselves, they should be able to provide some insight and guidance. What about salary? Whilst a promotion would equal an increase in responsibility, you shouldnt go in asking for a pay rise straight away before this promotion has even been offered. Your primary motive for this opportunity should be the development, not the money, and this needs to be clear to your manager. However, when this conversation does come about you should be aware of how much money someone in your aspired position would typically earn by checking out our salary guides. Have this information ready for when it comes to negotiating a wage increase. Arriving at the meeting equipped with the relevant information and questions surrounding your promotion, will show that you are focused, save your manager some time and ultimately give them one less reason to not help you progress. Why do you deserve this? With any promotional opportunity, there will be an investment in you, whether it is time spent training or money on a pay rise. Whatever it is, be ready to justify why you are deserving. Think about the progress you have already made within your current role, and what you have contributed to the business as a whole. Include examples of key achievements, times you have exceeded your KPIs or received positive feedback from stakeholders. You should also consider which elements of your aspired role you are already doing. Voicing these will enable your manager to imagine you in this position. Note down all you have done so far to upskill yourself. This will show that you are pro-active and enthusiastic about being better at your job. You should also point out any ways in which you have applied this upskilling to the role. This will allow them to picture a tangible return if they were to invest money and time into developing you. Lastly, reiterate your loyalty to the company, and how you would like to have a budding long-term career with them. Close with the fact that whilst you have made a lot of progress within your role, you have got all you can from it, and now need their help in getting to the next challenge.   Ultimately, you want your boss to know why you are a valuable asset to the team, indispensable and worthy of investing in. During the meeting Go into your meeting armed with the knowledge of what you want, how you can get it and why you deserve it, but remember the below: Don’t bombard your manager It is important that you don’t bombard your manager with all this information at once. Have a structure of how you want the conversation to go in your head, the key points you want to cover off and maybe even write it down.   You need to go into this meeting composed, clear, and with the view of leading this conversation. Doing this will demonstrate that you are serious, prepared, and will impress your boss. Open with what it is you want then let the conversation flow naturally, providing the rest of your knowledge when appropriate. If the question of salary comes up, then you have that information to hand. If not, then focus on getting the promotion or skills necessary for a pay rise before you ask for one. The key is to strike that balance between having a clear structure or checklist of things you want to cover off and being open to a two-way, fairly fluid conversation. Keep an open mind Whilst you may have your heart set on a specific promotion and route to success, remember to keep an open mind and think about what kind of alternatives your manager may offer.   Your boss may not have the exact opportunity you were hoping for; for example, they may be willing to put you on a promotion plan with some specific KPIs, then review in a few months time.   You should bear in mind that it is unlikely you will be offered a promotion there and then. Be ready for all outcomes and consider how flexible you are willing to be. Remember to follow up After the meeting, send a follow-up email to thank them for their time, as well as confirmation of what was discussed. Try and work with your boss in putting together a formal action plan. This will help keep you both on track with moving towards the next stage in your career. Be prepared for a ‘no’ Whilst you have prepared as thoroughly as you can, understand that your boss may well refuse you this promotion, and they may well have good reason to.   Be ready to accept this answer graciously and determine what the reason is. You may have been given a “no” on the basis that there are still areas you need to improve upon. If so, get as much detail as you can on what these areas are, plus some advice on how to improve. Can your boss help progress you to a point where you can expect a “yes” from them next time you ask for a promotion? Alternatively, you may be completely ready for the next step, but your company don’t have the resources to help you get there, be it a lack of budget or time. Is this likely to change anytime soon? In both of these situations, you need to consider your options. If your current company can provide guidance and support with getting you promotion-ready, then great, embrace this and take advantage of the opportunities available. On the other hand if, for whatever reason, they can’t offer the guidance and support that you deserve, then perhaps it’s time to move on to somewhere that can. If this is the case, check out some of our job search advice and speak to a Hays recruiter for our expert-led support on your next career move.  Ultimately, your continued career progression comes first, and you need to do all you can to keep this on track. I hope you found this blog useful. Here are some articles which you may find interesting: Five risks smart jobseekers should take Under thirty and think you’re underpaid? It’s time to take action Five lessons I wish I had learnt earlier in my career How to deal with a mid-career slump Six signs your boss cares about your career progression Three steps to perfecting your personal brand Share this blog:

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Top 3 Resume Writing Services That Get Results

Top 3 Resume Writing Services That Get ResultsOne of the many benefits of seeking the services of resume writing services is that you can guarantee success and the chance to increase your chances of getting the job you want. The job market today is extremely competitive and a professional resume can make all the difference in a person's chances of getting a job interview.Finding a professional company that specializes in effective resume writing and submission is a great step toward creating a well-written resume and securing a job interview. Many top companies offer a variety of services. Here are a few:- Creating a resume. Resume writing services will work with you in order to create a professional looking resume. A well-written resume is highly effective for a number of reasons. If your resume is professionally done, it will show employers that you have taken the time to take into consideration all of the information they are looking for.Using resume writing services can also help create a more personalized resume that caters to the needs of the specific job that you are applying for. A resume should be able to demonstrate a number of different skills and this can help an employer make a decision about the person that they are interviewing.When you are using the services of a professional resume writing service, you can rest assured that you will be given the ability to focus on the skills and experience that will speak highly of you. They will take the time to analyze your application and determine what will appear to employers as the most appealing aspect of your resume.As a result, you will be provided with the best resume possible. If you do not have a background in writing resumes, you can also take advantage of the fact that the professionals will provide you with assistance. This can come in the form of resume writing tips, sample resumes, and sample cover letters.These samples can assist you when it comes to creating a truly professional looking resu me. This is a major reason why hiring professionals is a great idea.It is important to note that most top companies are professionals themselves. They offer custom services, so that you can write a resume that is sure to be received with success by employers. A professional resume can easily make the difference between someone getting an interview and someone getting turned down.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Dos and Donts of Resume Layouts

The Do's and Don'ts of Resume Layouts Our resume manufacturer is the speediest way to deal with make a resume that will permit you to land your dream position. What resume area to improve your resume rely upon both the kind of resume and the work position. Choosing a resume format or design from a specific industry or field is a way to find catchphrases and expressions which are generally applicable to your line of workincreasing the chances of a recruiting director or boss to watch your accommodation. Remember a viable resume format is fundamental to feature your capabilities, instead of being an end in itself. In light of the business or position you're applying for, it might necessitate that you bring some character. A photograph is an astounding technique for breaking the ice by methods for your resumeeven in case you're not truly there, your manager will be able to assess your shining character! At the point when you're requesting an occupation which depends on the qualities of the individual, you require a resume format you can infuse somewhat more character into to make it pop'. A vocation searcher who needs to profit by the a wide range of resume designs promptly accessible, should be aware of when and how to utilize the numerous prospects, so as to gain the most effect from their resume. Clear content and fontarguably the most fundamental bit of your resume is your imminent boss' ability to understand it! In light of your calling, extra segments will be extraordinary. You utilize your best aptitudes that are identified with the activity as subheadings. Utilizing a resume format is p resently a satisfactory and shrewd practice for various clarifications. Things You Should Know About Resume Layouts Utilizing shading might be a decent idea, yet recollect that should you present your resume by email or on the web, it will probably be printed utilizing dark ink. Consistency makes for a simpler read and empowers the peruser find the data on your resume. Resume Layouts Features Show businesses that you're refreshed and make a brilliant early introduction by choosing the most reasonable format. At the point when you start with an imaginative resume layout, you just need to drop in your subtleties to quickly complete the strategy. You can likewise observe Resume Templates. Using a resume layout spares you a decent arrangement of time. You don't need to return recent decades, for the most part. For your target proclamation to carry out its responsibility appropriately, it needs to unmistakably state only the kind of occupation that you need, your experience fits the acti vity prerequisites impeccably and what it is that you're set up to bring to the table that will be of favorable position to the organization concerned. You should simply list the aptitudes you have that likewise show up in the work offer. Everybody would like to put on a chance to intrigue possible new boss at a prospective employee meet-up, however there's no denying that meetings can be very unpleasant! The data can be sorted out in an assortment of positions on the page to make intrigue, however the resume ought to permit it to be easy for employing directors to find the data that they need by making your abilities the most conspicuous. The arrangement of your resume offers the great opportunity to exhibit your capacities and inventiveness regarding your field and the activity which you are applying for. In this manner, the criticalness of an all around arranged and a very much spread out resume is important for you in the event that you wish to snatch the activity which you need. Despite the various structures promptly accessible, a resume design ought to contain the indistinguishable essential data. It's conceivable to likewise observe continue layout. Our inventive layouts license you to stand out from the group . Every single one of our innovative style formats give a completely adjusted blend of character, demonstrable skill and a little style. Top resume developers show up furnished with different highlights that makes continue composing appear to be easy. Make sure to have your CV expertly printed and expertly cut to make the most of the outskirt plan. As recently referenced, you wish to choose a resume design that is fit to your own profile.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

A Strategically Focused Resume

A Strategically Focused Resume I wish I had composed the following. Smith-Proulx hits the nail on the head. She is in any event, utilizing a similar language I dogreat minds. (For the full peice, see ExecutiveAgent interface on my blog). While the exerpt underneath is about spotlight on the resume, everything begins with you, the activity searcher, being clear about what you need and what you are incredible at doing. Here, I've offered 5 key reasons why center ought to be your #1 need in an authority pursuit of employment and how to get it: 1 Communicating your own image is the most ideal approach to get managers to pay heed. 2 No one has the opportunity to come to an obvious conclusion; do it for them! 3 Being everything to all individuals isnt sufficient any longer. 4 Automated frameworks have made the general resume out of date. 5 Adding overabundance data for businesses to peruse just befuddles them. Laura Smith-Proulx, Certified Career Management Coach, Certified Professional Resume Writer, and Certified Interview Coach, is the Executive Director of An Expert Resume, a vocation benefits firm that takes into account authoritative pioneers.